Mrs O'Neal's Grade 2 home page


Welcome to my Grade 2 home page.
My name is Julia O'Neal, I am an experienced teacher who moved from the UK to Canada about 8 years ago and am currently enjoying my 5th year in Grade 2 at Fireside.
A few reminders to help make this year awesome:-
  • Please read and sign your child's agenda each night. The students use this to tell you about their day at school as well as important events occurring at school.
  • Our gym days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays. Appropriate clothing and footwear is essential as some gym lessons will be outside.
  • Our library day will be Wednesdays.
  • Please take time to read and enjoy a book or 2 each night with your child. This might take the form of you reading to them, them reading to you or reading together.
  • Home reading books can be changed as regularly as needed though a minimum of once a week is recommended. Home reading books are chosen by students, the focus is on reading for enjoyment.
  • An update will be sent home each week to share highlights from our week and provide reminders for upcoming events.
  • I am looking forward to a fun year of learning, growing and building community. and would like to begin an open communication with parents where you should feel free to email or phone me at the school whenever you need to.  Thank You!
  • You may contact me via RVS Email


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